AUSTIN — A bill to kill horses for human consumption appeared dead in
the Texas Senate until a House amendment on another bill spurred it
forward Saturday.
The House amendment to Senate Bill 1413, originally proposed as a bill
to eliminate outdated provisions or duplications in the state agriculture
code, repealed the section of the code that outlaws horse slaughter for
human consumption. The amendment, proposed Saturday and then successfully
defended from a motion to reconsider, sends SB 1413 back to the Senate
different from the Senate-approved original bill. But now it's more to the
liking of supporters of horse slaughter for human consumption overseas.
House Bill 1324 won House approval on April 24, but its supporters
appeared to have been defeated in the Senate where it languished in the
Senate Natural Resources Committee.
Animal rights advocates who had flocked to a public hearing in March
before the House Agriculture Committee were signalling an end to the
proposed bill as late as last week.
The House bill legalized horse slaughter for human consumption in
foreign countries by specifically outlawing it in the United States. It
was filed by Rep. Betty Brown, R-Terrell, whose district holds one of two
Texas horse slaughter houses — the only other facility in America is in
Fort Worth.
The two plants, owned by Belgian and French interests marketing
horsemeat in those countries as well as in Germany and Japan, filed a
federal lawsuit after then Texas Attorney General John Cornyn declared
their operations illegal last summer.
In the Senate, a spokesman for the original author of SB 1413 said
Tuesday that Sen. Bob Deuell did not appreciate his bill to clean up the
ag code used as a back door for a House Bill that got stuck in a Senate
"We filed a motion to not concur (with the House amendment)
today," Deuell spokesman Don Forse said. "We are not going to
put any horsemeat legislation in our bill."
Forse said Deuell is asking Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst to order the
formation of a conference committee of five senators and five
representatives to work out the difference between the bill Deuell wrote
and the one that returned from the House to the Senate. He added Deuell is
not going to look favorably on Goodman's and Brown's use of horse
slaughter for consumption in the United States as a bargaining chip to
legalize its sale for consumption overseas.
"We're not going to recognize the horse amendments," he said.
With Brown's bill faltering in a Senate committee, she and Vernon
Republican Rick Hardcastle led a charge Saturday for an amendment to SB
1413, legalizing horse slaughter for human consumption anywhere.
Hardcastle told fellow House members Saturday that he needed full
decriminalization in the amendment as leverage in the Senate.
“We're not going to allow the horsemeat to be used for human
consumption in the United States," Saturday's House transcript quotes
Hardcastle as saying. "But we need to leave that amendment
(legalizing the slaughterhouses) in the bill as it is so we can go to
conference and fix it right, or so that we've got enough leverage to get
Ms. Brown's bill voted on in the (Senate) committee."
Brown defended Hardcastle's tactic, repeating his pledge that the part
of the amendment legalizing horse meat consumption in the United States
would be traded as a bargaining chip for Senate approval of legalizing its
sale to foreign countries.
"It's just that this happens to be the only avenue left to us to
get it out of here and get it to a point where we can get reasonable
people working on it and get it (passed) in some form," Brown says in
the transcript.
The vote to kill the amendment, and leave horse slaughter for human
consumption illegal, died 72-45.
Reps. Tommy Merritt, R-Longview, and Bryan Hughes, R-Mineola, voted to
kill the amendment. Reps. Mark Homer, D-Paris, Chuck Hopson,
D-Jacksonville, and Leo Berman, R-Tyler, voted against killing the
amendment. |