Ban Horse Slaughter in Illinois
About the time the motion picture “Seabiscuit” is to be honored as a nominee
for Best Picture by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science, Illinois
will be up for the dubious distinction of becoming the horse slaughter capital
of the world. Few Illinoisans realize that the business of slaughtering horses
for human consumption is about to reappear unless Senate Bill 1921, a proposal
that makes it illegal to slaughter horses in Illinois, passes.
At issue is the reopening of Belgian-owned Cavel International in DeKalb,
Illinois, a facility that is designed to kill as many as 100 horses a day and
ship the meat to Europe where it is considered a delicacy in many countries.
Problems besides the ethical arise: Many horses are medicated with products
clearly marked “not intended for animals used for human consumption” and
slaughter-bound horses are not tested for West Nile virus.
As Americans, we do not eat horsemeat and American equines are not raised as
livestock. The thought of sending horses to slaughter is reviled in the United
States where we see horses as companions, sporting animals, or both.
Illinois is home to about 200,000 horses and ranks fifth in the nation. Since
the time of their birth, foals are handled and cared for by humans, creating a
bond of trust. Opposition to horse slaughter has everything to do with culture,
companionship, business and the ancient relationship between man and the noble
steed that has carried him on his back for centuries. Illinoisans must never
forget that these are flesh and blood creatures that have been put on this earth
and to which we owe a responsibility.
Without the passing of Senate Bill 1921, Illinois along with Texas, will be the
only states in the country to support the barbaric practice of slaughtering
horses. Currently the Texas operations are operating under restraining orders in
violation of state law.
If Senate Bill 1921 doesn't pass, Illinoisans will be guilty of turning
"Seabiscuit" into "seabrisket."
Illinoisans are urged to contact their state legislators to ask them to vote
"yes" on SB 1921.
A listing of contact information for Illinois legislators may be found online