June 3, 2003  San Antonio Express-News 
 Horse proposal blocked
The only two horse slaughter plants in the United States, both in Texas, should be closed

Mercifully, a bill that would have made it legal to slaughter horses in Texas for human consumption died in the closing days of this session of the Texas Legislature. The House passed the bill several weeks ago, but with the help of Sen. Frank Madla, D-San Antonio, it was killed Saturday in a conference committee. Texas has the only two horse slaughter plants in the United States. The plants are operated by Beltex USA north of Fort Worth and Dallas Crown in Kaufman.

A 1949 Texas law makes it a criminal offense to sell, possess or  transfer horse meat for human consumption.

The only two horse slaughter plants in the United States, both in Texas, should be closed.

The Legislature has defeated efforts to replace that long-unenforced  law with a measure that would have legalized slaughter for human consumption.  This newspaper urges the district attorneys in those areas to make sure existing state law is enforced.