May 13, 2003 | 12:00AM
Horse Nonsense
It looks like Texans aren't so horse-crazy after all, at
least when it comes to eating
Mr. Ed, according to Environmental
News Service.
A new opinion poll shows that 77 percent of Texas voters
are opposed to the slaughtering of horses for human consumption. Eighty-nine
percent of those questioned said they were previously unaware of the horse
slaughtering industry.
to overturn an existing Texas law which outlaws the slaughter of horses for
human consumption was introduced earlier this year, but it may not go very far.
"The horse holds a unique place in the lives of
Americans, so we weren't surprised to learn that 77 percent of Texans oppose the
legislation pending in the state legislature," said John Hettinger
of Fasig-Tipton Co., Inc., which conducts auction sales of thoroughbred horses.