Press Release | Source: National Horse Protection Coalition |
Illinois Senate Passes Legislation to Ban
Horse Slaughter
Monday May 24, 12:53 pm ET
Bo Derek, Spokeswoman for the National Horse Protection Coalition, who testified before the Senate Executive Committee on behalf of the bill said "the Senate has acted based on solid facts, horse industry leadership and public support. Now we look forward to the House doing the same swiftly so the Governor can sign it into law."
This legislation was introduced in response to strong public opposition against the potential reopening of the State's only horse slaughtering facility, Cavel International, a Belgian owned plant in DeKalb, IL. Cavel is schedule to reopen any day so passage of this bill is essential.
"As a DeKalb resident I am very pleased that the Senate listened to the will of the people and supported this bill," said Gail Vacca, Illinois Coordinator of the NHPC. Vacca further noted that "despite misinformation, the facts reached our legislators, but we must stay vigilant."
Pro-slaughter organizations tried to claim that slaughter is a form of humane euthanasia even though the two are very different according guidelines developed by the American Veterinary Medical Association. They further stated that abuse and neglect would increase without slaughter, but this fails to point out that following a 1998 ban on horse slaughter in California, reports state that cruelty cases did not increase. Similar numbers from the State of Illinois show that during the two years Cavel was out of operation reports of cruelty leveled off after large yearly increases.
The bill, sponsored by State Senator John Cullerton (D), passed by a vote of 38-15 and is now heading to the Illinois House under the leadership of Representative Bob Molaro (D) for a vote. It is very important for those in Illinois concerned about the treatment of horses to stand up and make their voices heard in favor of this bill.