9, 2010
John Holland
Slaughter Supporters Call for Boycott of Some
of America’s Most Beloved Horsemen and Most Effective Horse Organizations
Willie Nelson, Carrie Underwood, Pat Parelli, Sheryl Crow, Vigo Mortenson, Barbie Twins, USEF, Humane Society, PETA Under Attack From Obscure Animal
Agriculture Group
CHICAGO, (EWA), – Some of America’s most prominent horse lovers
were verbally assaulted and accused of malfeasance today for exercising their
right of free speech over the ongoing decimation of the wild horse herds and their opposition to horse slaughter. The unprecedented attack came in a release
issued today by little known Wyoming State Representative, Sue Wallis of United
Organizations of the Horse (UOH), and left many in the horse industry
scratching their heads.
The rambling diatribe called for a boycott of the
respected United States Equestrian
Federation, legendary horse trainer Pat Parelli, Willie Nelson and others for speaking up for the
humane treatment of horses and protection of Mustangs. The release accused them
of taking “dirty money” and selling out to the Humane
Society of the United States (HSUS) and People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), but offered no
specifics or proof.
The attack comes on the heels of a week of growing press
coverage of nationwide demonstrations against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and its removal of
wild horse herds from the American West.
In an earlier release, Wallis praised the BLM’s actions in removing the horses
and she has suggested they be slaughtered and fed to the world’s hungry.
Currently, horse meat sells
for $30 per pound in Europe, making such a humanitarian offering unlikely.
Curiously, neither the USEF, PETA, nor the
HSUS, has taken part in the recent demonstrations or law suits against
the removal of mustangs in the Calico complex of Nevada.
Notably missing from the list of organizations attacked in the release were
those who actually did participate, including In
Defense of Animals, The Cloud Foundation, the Equine Welfare
Alliance and numerous other groups. Over 200 organizations, dignitaries and
celebrities as well as over six thousand individuals have signed-on to a Unified Call for a
moratorium on round-ups.
EWA’s John Holland explains, “I suspect this attack has
more to do with hyping State Representative Wallis’ own campaign contributions
than anything else. They love to use the PETA/HSUS boogieman to coax money out
of their base. “Even so” continued Holland, “such an attack has the
unmistakable aroma of desperation about it.”
Disguised as a plea to come to the aide of animal agriculture,
the demand for a boycott attacks one of the farmer's and rancher’s most
consistent humanitarians. Singer Willie Nelson has raised millions for farmers
and stockmen facing foreclosure during hard times.
It also attacked Parelli, a former
champion rodeo cowboy who went from riding bucking
horses to pioneering a more gentle and cerebral form of horsemanship. Parelli clinics fill coliseums from coast to coast and
abroad with horse lovers intent on learning to think
like a horse,
The tax status of Wallis’ organization is under a cloud.
Donations are funneled through a questionable tax deductible 501(c)(3) charitable group. Such groups are legally limited to
the amount of its income (15-20%) that can be used for lobbying. To date, all
UOH efforts appear to be related to lobbying for horse slaughter and against wild horse protection.
“If this is the way they are going to raise money” offered
Holland, “I would suggest they squirrel away most of the proceeds in a legal
contingency fund.”
The Equine Welfare Alliance is a dues
free, umbrella organization with over 90 member organizations. The organization
focuses its efforts on the welfare of all equines and the preservation of wild equids.