Bo Derek And Tony Curtis Lobby Capitol Hill

Two Visit With Congressman Kingston About Cumberland Horses

POSTED: 3:30 PM EDT May 7, 2004

Actress and activist Bo Derek and actor Tony Curtis met with Republican Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston in Washington, D.C., this week to discuss the protection of horses, including those on Cumberland Island in Camden County.

Cumberland Island Horses


"Ms. Derek, Mr. Curtis and I spoke at length about the wild horses on Cumberland Island and we are in agreement that they are a unique asset to our community and should be protected," Kingston said.


Though the two may seem unlikely champions for horse protection, Kingston explained that both Curtis and Derek were active on the issue

"Tony Curtis and his wife, Jill, have a horse rescue ranch which takes in injured and older horses and prevents them from being slaughtered," said Kingston. "And Bo Derek ... has strong convictions and is really committed to protecting horses from being slaughtered for human consumption."

According to Kingston, environmental groups have pushed to eliminate the horses on Cumberland Island and to substantially thin the herds. In response, the senator has opposed some of their efforts and has invited Derek and Curtis to visit Cumberland Island.

The celebrities visited Capitol Hill to gain support for a bill that would prohibit horse slaughtering in the United States for consumption overseas. Since 1930, human consumption of horsemeat has been outlawed in America, but a facility in Texas still processes it for human consumption in France.

Kingston added his name as a cosponsor of H.R. 857, The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act.