This is the second installment of a two-part series about
horse slaughter in Texas. To read Part 1, go to "All
The Pretty Horses" here at the Current's web site.
The chestnut mare with a flash of white on her face was one
of 41 horses that Ron Sebastian unloaded at the Beltex
slaughtering plant that spring day. Somewhere along the
1,500-mile trip from Saskatchewan, Canada, to Fort Worth, Texas,
Sebastian had purchased her a quarterhorse about 16 hands
high and trucked her hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles.
While Sebastian likely stopped to rest, and grabbed a bite to
eat and something to drink, she remained in the trailer with the
rest of the horses, without food or water.
Beltex and Dallas Crown, which is located in Kaufman, Texas,
are the only plants in the United States that slaughter horses
for human consumption; the companies ship the meat to Europe,
where it commands about $15 a pound. Since 1949, it has been
illegal in Texas to kill horses for the dinner table but for
more than 25 years, these Belgian- and French-owned companies
have been making millions doing just that.
The suffering the horses endure inside the slaughterhouse
and en route to their deaths spurred horse rescue and animal
protection groups earlier this year to fight a Texas bill that
would have legalized horse slaughter for people food. The
political maneuvering that passed this bill in the House made it
clear that much was at stake specifically, the thousands of
dollars pouring into the coffers of several Texas universities
and state agencies.
This fall could mark a turning point for horse slaughter.
Beltex and Dallas Crown are suing Tarrant and Kaufman counties,
alleging that state law interferes with international and
interstate trade. Meanwhile, House Resolution 857, sponsored by
Congressman John Sweeney (R-New York) could make that suit moot
by outlawing horse slaughter for human consumption in every
Killing them not-so softly
An undercover video shot at Beltex by the Humane Society of
the United States in the mid-'90s tells the story: A horse jerks
agitatedly in a narrow kill chute, also known as the "knock
box," while a worker tries to apply an captive-bolt gun to
its forehead. Frantic and afraid,
How Bexar County reps voted on House Bill 1341,
which would have legalized horse slaughter for human
Elizabeth Ames Jones (R)
Trey Martinez Fischer (D)
Ken Mercer (R)
Robert Puente (D)
Joaquin Castro (D)
Ruth McClendon (D)
Josι Menendez (D)
Carlos Uresti (D)
Mike Villarreal (D)
the horse flails its long neck. The worker misses the horse's
forehead and has to stun it several times in the head before the
gun's four-inch retractable rod shatters the skull in the right
spot slightly above and between the eyes.
Two years ago, Chris Heyde, policy analyst for the Society of
Animal Protective Legislation, visited an Illinois plant as part
of a pre-vet program. "The horses were bleeding in the
trailers. The floor in the corral area was covered with feces
and dirt. It was slippery and the horses were falling. Guys were
beating them. The horses couldn't go anywhere and were trying to
climb over each other," Heyde noted, adding that no
U.S. Department of Agriculture inspector was present, as
required by law.
Neither Dallas Crown nor Beltex permits the public or the
press to view horse slaughter; Dallas Crown declined to allow
the Current inside. The USDA said it employs inspectors in both
San Antonio livestock dealer Jodie Ringelstein said that,
"for slaughter, it's as humane as you can get." Horses
are more difficult than cattle to stun because they have long
necks and are headshy, meaning they often swing their heads to
avoid the bolt. "You're not going to say a guy's not going
to mess up and shoot him two or three times," Ringelstein
added. "And a horse's smell is a lot keener than cattle.
They can smell blood."
Leaders of the American Quarterhorse Association and other
horse groups echo the American Veterinarian Medical
Association's endorsement of slaughter methods. However, the
AVMA warns that horses need "adequate restraint ... to
ensure the proper placement of the penetrating captive
The trauma begins before the slaughterhouse, as horses are
often hauled for days over thousands of miles in single- or
double-decker trailers without food or water. A federal law,
passed in 2001, that will prohibit shipping horses in two-story
trailers doesn't go into effect until 2007.
Pat Dickey, who has rescued more than 100 horses from
slaughter, said she has attended auctions and seen "horses
prodded into trucks and left standing for hours without food or
water." Dickey bought one mare that had been coerced
through a chute with an electric prod; when she arrived at
Dickey's farm, she shook all night until she died.
Some groups, including the American Association of Equine
Practitioners, argue that horses bound for slaughter are better
off than if they were shipped to Mexico or abandoned in a field
to die from starvation, heat, or cold. Dr. Ted Friend of the
Texas A&M Science Department posted his approval of
slaughter to an e-mail group devoted to horse issues: "No
rational person can promote the idea that banning the slaughter
of horses in the U.S. will improve the welfare of horses ... The
slaughter plants have told me that they move to Mexico anyway to
escape harassment and regulation and high labor costs."
Coincidentally, Friend is also applying for a USDA grant to
study how horses respond to extreme conditions in trailers.
But Dickey and other slaughter opponents counter that there
are dozens of horse welfare groups and individuals who regularly
adopt and rescue horses. (See for a list.)
They point out that California has seen few horses go to Mexico
since the state outlawed slaughter. Opponents argue that Texas
should enforce its animal cruelty laws, and discourage unfit or
irresponsible people from buying and breeding horses. Slaughter,
Dickey said, is a betrayal. "These are clear acts of
inhumanity. They are pets, recreational animals. They are
trained to follow and trust their handlers."
Mr. Ed is a cash cow
Horse slaughter earns money for the plants and buyers and
Texas. A 1997 state law designed to curb horse theft allowed the
Texas Agricultural Cooperative Extension at Texas A&M
University to receive $2 per slaughtered horse; these funds go
toward horse theft education programs. The Texas &
Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association receives $3 per head
of which 55 cents goes to a brand inspector stationed at the
plant. (The brand inspector checks horses to see if they are
stolen; however, few horses are branded anymore, making that job
nearly obsolete.)
In 2001, the Ag Extension collected about $64,000 from horse
slaughter. Information for the following years is murky:
Mysteriously, accounting documents provided under the Open
Records Act for 2002 and 2003 were duplicates of 2001. The TSCRA
didn't return calls from the Current requesting its
accounting, but according to court documents, 40,000 horses were
slaughtered in Texas in 2001, meaning the TSCRA earned $120,000
from horse slaughter that year.
Another state agency, the Texas Department of Criminal
Justice also sells horses to Beltex; it didn't return calls for
comment. The TDCJ uses mounted horses to monitor prisoners
Beltex also receives horses from Tarleton State University in
Stephenville. The university offers agriculture, pre-vet
courses, and therapeutic horseback riding and equine breeding
programs. The university accepts donated horses, then resells
some and uses others. When the horses are no longer useful,
they're shipped to Beltex.
"We don't sell them at auctions," said Dr. David
Snyder, director of the animal health department. "It's too
much stress
horse slaughter opponents demonstrated at the statehouse
earlier this year. They protested House Bill 1341, which
would have legalized slaughtering horses for human
consumption. Photo by Jana Birchum. |
on the animal. We are upfront with donors that we can take the
animal to slaughter and put the money into our programs."
Snyder said it is too expensive to put horses down, adding
that the university receives only about $1,000 a year for its
slaughtered horses. Beltex records show that for the first nine
months of 2002 the university was paid $2,607 for horses, but
after a $2,200 advance was subtracted, the check came to $367.
"It provides a humane way of disposing of the
animals," Snyder added. "The shock is humane if
applied properly. But [it isn't] if the person is untrained.
I've seen that happen."
The Texas Animal Health Commission ensures the plants have a
steady supply of horses. Any horse that goes to any public
event, including an auction, must have documentation showing it
has tested negative for Equine Infectious Anemia, a debilitating
disease transmitted through blood by biting flies.
At an auction, if a seller cannot produce the results of an
annual Coggin's test for EIA, the horse automatically goes to
slaughter unless the owner chooses to take it home which
rarely happens. Dickey attended an auction where a man,
reportedly mad at his wife, unloaded 18 of her horses; none had
proof of Coggin's tests. Dickey tried to purchase them, but the
auction house couldn't legally sell them, since the horses
couldn't prove they didn't have the disease. "It was
terrible," she said. "If the slaughterhouses didn't
exist, those horses would be refused, not killed." All 18
of the horses were immediately red-tagged destined for
Legislation, lawsuit could determine slaughter's
Despite a huge outcry from the anti-slaughter contingent
during the last session, State Representative Betty Brown
(R-Terrell) sponsored House Bill 1324, which would have
legalized what Beltex and Dallas Crown have been illegally doing
for a quarter-century. HB 1324 passed 81-55. (Go to to see how Bexar County representatives
voted.) At the March 25 agriculture committee hearings, those
who testified in favor of the bill included Brown campaign
contributors: the Texas Farm Bureau ($1,275), the American
Quarterhorse Association ($1,250), and Texas & Southwestern
Cattle Raisers Association ($1,000).
The bill made its way to the Senate, where it died for lack
of a sponsor. Back in the House, Brown attached it as an
amendment onto an unrelated senate bill. State Senator Bob
(R-Greenville) eventually killed the amendment.
Brown's support for the measure bordered on irrational: In an
e-mail to horse slaughter opponent Mary Nash, Brown justified
slaughter by quoting from the Book of Leviticus that "man
shall have dominion over animals." On the House floor, she
accused slaughter opponents of being wacked-out animal rights
activists. "Do we want animal rights people to set
agriculture policy for our state?" she asked. (Ironically,
many slaughter opponents aren't vegetarians, and regularly
devour hamburgers, fried chicken, and pork chops.)
While the legislative battle brewed, the plants filed their
lawsuit arguing that state law cannot regulate interstate and
foreign trade. Empacadora de Carnes de Fresnillo, a
meat-processing plant in Zacatecas, Mexico, joined Beltex and
Dallas Crown in the suit, claiming if the law isn't reversed,
the Mexican company can't transport its frozen horsemeat through
Houston seaports or the Dallas-Fort Worth airport. Empacadora's
involvement in the lawsuit is strategic: With a Mexican company
onboard, attorneys can invoke the North American Federal Trade
Agreement (NAFTA), to try to overturn the law based on unfair
trade restrictions.
The suit could go to court as soon as this fall, as could a
Congressional measure that would counteract it. House Resolution
857 would outlaw slaughter for human consumption in the U.S. and
would contain provisions to immunize it from international trade
agreements. With 55 co-sponsors it has now, the HR 857 could
have enough momentum to get a hearing later this year.
Texas' controversy over horse slaughter has raised important
issues about what constitutes humane treatment of animals, and
what is culturally taboo to eat. Many opponents argue that
Americans shouldn't dine on horses for cultural reasons: if it's
OK to eat the chestnut mare, dogs and cats are next. Yet, that
cultural argument fails if one considers that any slaughter is
inhumane that the agony endured by cows crowded in feedlots,
by chickens that have been debeaked, by veal that are confined
in cramped cages, by geese forcefed for their livers, and by
lobsters boiled alive is as acute and unthinkable as the
pain felt by any gelding.
It comes down to "the kill line," as Mary Nash
calls it: the place where people must make peace with themselves
about what pain they choose to inflict to satisfy their
appetites. "You have to decide what side of the kill line
you're on."