
Washington D.C.           Thu    Apr 22, 2004              USDA Market News

        Actual Slaughter Under Federal Inspection for  W/E  04/10/2004


               Cattle    Calves     Hogs       Sheep    Goats   Equine  1/Bison



 Monday        81,157    1,846    388,249     15,299    3,728     605        72

 Tuesday      101,988    2,790    390,297     14,471    4,289       0        65

 Wednesday    113,182    2,323    392,470     14,164    3,012     213        89

 Thursday     125,495    2,369    389,421     13,497    2,649     155       206

 Friday       123,482    3,203    363,157      7,673    1,690     179        60

 Saturday      20,387      692     49,360         29       72       0         0


 Total        565,691   13,223  1,972,954     65,133   15,440   1,152       492


 %Steers         51.2    %Barrows & Gilts  96.5       %Lambs & Yearlings  95.0

 %Heifers        31.6    %Sows              3.3       %Mature Sheep        5.0

 %Cows           15.4    %Stags & Boars     0.2

 %Bulls & Stags   1.8

 1/  Bison are not covered under the Meat Inspection Act, and therefore  

     do not require inspection.  Numbers refer to the amount killed in   

     Federally Inspected plants, and are not necessarily inspected.      

   Meat Production and Actual Liveweight and Dressed Weight  W/E  04/10/2004


 Production              Species and Class   Liveweight    Dressed Weight


              Mil. Lbs.                         Lbs.             Lbs.

 Beef           413.2    Cattle                1,207             734

                         Steers                                  775

                         Heifers                                 714

                         Cows                                    619

                         Bulls & Stags                           904

 Calves & Veal    2.3    Calves                  284             174

 Pork           393.6    Hogs                    268             200

                         Barrows & Gilts                         196

                         Sows                                    312

                         Stags & Boars                           222

 Lamb & Mutton    4.2    Sheep                   129              65

                         Mature Sheep                             64

                         Lambs & Yearlings                        65


 Total Meat

 Production     813.3


          TABLE C: Federally Inspected Slaughter Percentages

                        by Species and Class, U.S.

                  Week Ending  Saturday, April 10, 2004


                 :                 :     Number of  : Percent 

         Species :    Class        :       Head     : of Total


         Cattle  : TOTAL           :       565,691

                 : Steers          :       289,835      51.2

                 : Heifers         :       178,936      31.6

                 : Dairy Cows      :        39,259       6.9

                 : Other Cows      :        47,578       8.4

                 : Bulls           :        10,083       1.8


         Calves  : TOTAL           :        13,223


         Hogs    : TOTAL           :     1,972,954

                 : Barrows/Gilts   :     1,903,817      96.5

                 : Sows            :        64,312       3.3

                 : Stags/Boars     :         4,825       0.2


         Sheep   : TOTAL           :        65,133

                 : Mature Sheep    :         3,267       5.0

                 : Lambs/Yearlings :        61,866      95.0


               Federally Inspected Slaughter by Species and Day, U.S.

                  Week Ending  Saturday, April 10, 2004


               :            Number of Head Slaughtered


        Day    :        :         : S&H as :       :       : D&O as 

        of     :        :         : % of   : Dairy : Other : % of   

        Week   : Steers : Heifers : Day Cat: Cows  : Cows  : Day Cat


        Mon.   : 40,851   22,844    78.5     6,179   9,307   19.1

        Tue.   : 52,617   29,244    80.3     8,143  10,038   17.8

        Wed.   : 57,461   36,592    83.1     8,476   8,760   15.2

        Thu.   : 66,076   38,324    83.2     7,381  11,395   15.0

        Fri.   : 63,397   41,648    85.1     8,544   7,946   13.4

        Sat.   :  9,433   10,284    96.7       536     132    3.3


        Wkly.  :

        US.Tot.:289,835  178,936    82.9    39,259  47,578   15.4

 Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service