
Washington D.C.           Thu    May 20, 2004              USDA Market News

        Actual Slaughter Under Federal Inspection for  W/E  05/08/2004


               Cattle    Calves     Hogs       Sheep    Goats   Equine  1/Bison



 Monday       123,997    3,865    360,516     10,617    2,295     517        75

 Tuesday      129,996    3,753    364,367      8,516    2,573       0        44

 Wednesday    130,008    3,362    365,696      9,594    2,357     315       143

 Thursday     127,811    2,755    370,060      9,696    2,213     311       113

 Friday       127,416    2,982    363,858      7,751    1,828       0       102

 Saturday      46,979      292     18,641        161       75       0         0


 Total        686,207   17,009  1,843,138     46,335   11,341   1,143       477


 %Steers         52.9    %Barrows & Gilts  96.5       %Lambs & Yearlings  92.1

 %Heifers        31.8    %Sows              3.2       %Mature Sheep        7.9

 %Cows           13.7    %Stags & Boars     0.3

 %Bulls & Stags   1.6

 1/  Bison are not covered under the Meat Inspection Act, and therefore  

     do not require inspection.  Numbers refer to the amount killed in   

     Federally Inspected plants, and are not necessarily inspected.      

   Meat Production and Actual Liveweight and Dressed Weight  W/E  05/08/2004


 Production              Species and Class   Liveweight    Dressed Weight


              Mil. Lbs.                         Lbs.             Lbs.

 Beef           500.8    Cattle                1,202             734

                         Steers                                  775

                         Heifers                                 709

                         Cows                                    612

                         Bulls & Stags                           909

 Calves & Veal    3.6    Calves                  354             216

 Pork           365.5    Hogs                    266             199

                         Barrows & Gilts                         195

                         Sows                                    308

                         Stags & Boars                           218

 Lamb & Mutton    3.3    Sheep                   141              71

                         Mature Sheep                             65

                         Lambs & Yearlings                        71


 Total Meat

 Production     873.2


          TABLE C: Federally Inspected Slaughter Percentages

                        by Species and Class, U.S.

                   Week Ending  Saturday, May 08, 2004


                 :                 :     Number of  : Percent 

         Species :    Class        :       Head     : of Total


         Cattle  : TOTAL           :       686,207

                 : Steers          :       362,916      52.9

                 : Heifers         :       218,343      31.8

                 : Dairy Cows      :        39,645       5.8

                 : Other Cows      :        54,499       7.9

                 : Bulls           :        10,804       1.6


         Calves  : TOTAL           :        17,009


         Hogs    : TOTAL           :     1,843,138

                 : Barrows/Gilts   :     1,778,760      96.5

                 : Sows            :        59,255       3.2

                 : Stags/Boars     :         5,123       0.3


         Sheep   : TOTAL           :        46,335

                 : Mature Sheep    :         3,664       7.9

                 : Lambs/Yearlings :        42,671      92.1


               Federally Inspected Slaughter by Species and Day, U.S.

                   Week Ending  Saturday, May 08, 2004


               :            Number of Head Slaughtered


        Day    :        :         : S&H as :       :       : D&O as 

        of     :        :         : % of   : Dairy : Other : % of   

        Week   : Steers : Heifers : Day Cat: Cows  : Cows  : Day Cat


        Mon.   : 64,927   40,180    84.8     6,523  10,493   13.7

        Tue.   : 67,040   41,813    83.7     7,978  10,992   14.6

        Wed.   : 70,633   38,123    83.7     8,337  10,738   14.7

        Thu.   : 66,011   40,104    83.0     7,787  11,512   15.1

        Fri.   : 67,686   37,814    82.8     8,978  10,756   15.5

        Sat.   : 26,619   20,309    99.9        42       8    0.1


        Wkly.  :

        US.Tot.:362,916  218,343    84.7    39,645  54,499   13.7

 Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service