
Washington D.C.           Thu    June 17, 2004              USDA Market News

        Actual Slaughter Under Federal Inspection for  W/E  06/05/2004


               Cattle    Calves     Hogs       Sheep    Goats   Equine  1/Bison



 Monday         3,531      424      3,082        987      341     199         0

 Tuesday      131,331    3,169    391,033     11,643    3,279     356       111

 Wednesday    128,731    3,335    393,277     11,525    2,593     105       158

 Thursday     131,035    3,276    398,241     10,684    1,983     234       128

 Friday       129,863    3,033    379,735      8,388    1,717     268        69

 Saturday      53,632      283     66,984        737       58       0         0


 Total        578,123   13,520  1,632,352     43,964    9,971   1,162       466


 %Steers         53.1    %Barrows & Gilts  96.3       %Lambs & Yearlings  92.7

 %Heifers        30.9    %Sows              3.5       %Mature Sheep        7.3

 %Cows           14.4    %Stags & Boars     0.2

 %Bulls & Stags   1.6

 1/  Bison are not covered under the Meat Inspection Act, and therefore  

     do not require inspection.  Numbers refer to the amount killed in   

     Federally Inspected plants, and are not necessarily inspected.      

   Meat Production and Actual Liveweight and Dressed Weight  W/E  06/05/2004


 Production              Species and Class   Liveweight    Dressed Weight


              Mil. Lbs.                         Lbs.             Lbs.

 Beef           429.6    Cattle                1,224             747

                         Steers                                  791

                         Heifers                                 725

                         Cows                                    611

                         Bulls & Stags                           910

 Calves & Veal    2.7    Calves                  329             201

 Pork           323.4    Hogs                    266             199

                         Barrows & Gilts                         195

                         Sows                                    316

                         Stags & Boars                           226

 Lamb & Mutton    3.0    Sheep                   138              69

                         Mature Sheep                             67

                         Lambs & Yearlings                        69


 Total Meat

 Production     758.7


          TABLE C: Federally Inspected Slaughter Percentages

                        by Species and Class, U.S.

                   Week Ending  Saturday, June 05, 2004


                 :                 :     Number of  : Percent 

         Species :    Class        :       Head     : of Total


         Cattle  : TOTAL           :       578,123

                 : Steers          :       306,854      53.1

                 : Heifers         :       178,847      30.9

                 : Dairy Cows      :        36,966       6.4

                 : Other Cows      :        46,068       8.0

                 : Bulls           :         9,388       1.6


         Calves  : TOTAL           :        13,520


         Hogs    : TOTAL           :     1,632,352

                 : Barrows/Gilts   :     1,572,091      96.3

                 : Sows            :        56,569       3.5

                 : Stags/Boars     :         3,692       0.2


         Sheep   : TOTAL           :        43,964

                 : Mature Sheep    :         3,192       7.3

                 : Lambs/Yearlings :        40,772      92.7


               Federally Inspected Slaughter by Species and Day, U.S.

                   Week Ending  Saturday, June 05, 2004


               :            Number of Head Slaughtered


        Day    :        :         : S&H as :       :       : D&O as 

        of     :        :         : % of   : Dairy : Other : % of   

        Week   : Steers : Heifers : Day Cat: Cows  : Cows  : Day Cat


        Mon.   :  2,091      402    70.6       167     795   27.2

        Tue.   : 71,796   37,363    83.1     8,046  11,973   15.2

        Wed.   : 67,020   39,342    82.6     9,668  10,467   15.6

        Thu.   : 67,802   40,951    83.0     8,595  11,299   15.2

        Fri.   : 68,178   39,278    82.7     9,679  10,344   15.4

        Sat.   : 29,967   21,511    96.0       811   1,190    3.7


        Wkly.  :

        US.Tot.:306,854  178,847    84.0    36,966  46,068   14.4

 Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service