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Please be advised that you are cordially invited to this press
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Equine Welfare Press
Conference and Rally to take place during opening day of BLM advisory board
meeting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
City - The Cloud Foundation, Respect4Horses and Wild Horse Freedom Federation
will hold a special press conference, during the Bureau of Land Management’s
(BLM) Advisory Board meeting, focused on addressing the BLM’s mismanagement of
America’s vanishing wild horses and burros; the BLM Slaughtergate
debacle; the European horse meat scandal; and the status of Oklahoma bills for
legalization of previously banned horse slaughter within their state.
Oklahoma City, One North Broadway, Oklahoma City, OK
March 4th, 2013 at 12 noon – 1 PM, Rally to follow.
Ginger Kathrens – Emmy award winner and Executive Director of the
Cloud Foundation
Friday – Board of Directors of the Cloud Foundation
Fitch – Author, writer, blogger and President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation
Netherlands – Founder and President of Respect4Horses
The BLM’s
Wild Horse and B
urro Advisory Board is currently comprised of many publicly avowed
horse slaughter proponents, who at prior meetings and during other public
venues, have stated that the “proper” way to manage wild horses is to send them
to slaughter. Although BLM management denies any link to slaughter
associations, recent investigations have revealed that one known slaughter
trader (kill buyer) purchased over 1,700 wild horses and burros from the BLM
and no longer knows where they are and yet another BLM long term holding
contractor has been documented selling American wild horses to another known
kill buyer.
simply cannot continue to run the train off the track,” explains Ginger Kathrens, whose involvement with wild horses goes back to
1994. “BLM needs to look at humane on the range management of wild horses and
burros before it’s too late.”
wants answers and the Equine Advocacy groups will be demanding both transparency
and accountability during the press conference and the BLM board meeting.
in the midst of the raging European horse meat scandal, through which it has
become apparent that the horse slaughter industry has deceived consumers for
years by disguising tainted equine flesh as beef, Oklahoma’s legislators are
fast tracking several bills to legalize and invite that same predatory business
back into the United States with full knowledge that the bulk of the BLM’s wild
horse long term holding facilities are located within their state’s boundaries.
likely,” says R.T. Fitch, presid
ent of Wild Horse Freedom Federation.
“Over the
past several years the BLM has been stacking the deck with pro-slaughter appointees
to the Advisory Board,” says Fitch. “They are deliberately ripping large
numbers of wild horses and burros off from their rightful land in an effort to
create an artificial fiscal emergency with the only available relief valve will
be to slaughter the horses. The plan of ‘management to extinction’ is
apparent to even the least informed American layman.”
horse slaughter industry is ridden with fraud from the beginning to the
barbaric end,” states Simone Netherlands from Respect4Horses. “They not only
disguise the cruelty, the carcinogenic drugs, lie to former horse owners, to
the American public and falsify documents, they simply
disguise their entire end product!” Netherlands continues, “Horse welfare
organizations have been wondering why the demand for horse meat seemed so high,
but now we know, they simply have been disguising it
as beef for years. We urge the USDA to start testing our own food supply here
in America, there is no guarantee that the same thing has not happened here.”
Lisa Friday
from the Cloud Foun
dation adds, “America’s wild horses are losing what they value most at
the hands of the BLM: their freedom and their families. Now… potentially their lives.”
To date
the BLM has stockpiled in excess of 50,000+ wild horses and burros in costly
short and long term contracted holding while leaving only an estimated 20,000
on their Congressionally designated rightful land.
link to this press release
Respect4Horses (R4H) is a horse welfare organization whose goals
include providing information and documentation to educate the public, the
media and legislators in order to promote changes in legislation in regards to
current horse welfare issues such as horse slaughter and the roundups of our
last remaining wild horses and burros.
Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF) is a registered, Texas
non-profit corporation with federal 501(c)(3)
status. WHFF puts people between America’s wild equids
and extinction through targeted litigation against governmental agencies whose
documented agendas include the eradication of wild horse and burros from
public, federal and state lands.
The Cloud
Foundation (TCF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
dedicated to the protection and preservation of wild horses and burros on our
western public lands with a focus on Cloud's herd in the Arrowhead Mountains of
Thank You,
Simone Netherlands
"History is only made, by those who care about the
-Simone Netherlands.
Respect4Horses Organization
Office: (928) 308 6718
Simone's Cell (928) 925 7212